SHEroes Summer School, Empowering girls in Science through Heritage


DATE: 26th June 2024 - 29th June 2024


LOCATION: Castello del Valentino, Politecnico di Torino, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Turin, Italy


PARTICIPATION FEE: 220€ (including accomodation), 60€ (without accomodation)


TARGET: High School Girls (15 positions are available)


REQUIREMENTS: Teaching will be in English with lessons, workshops and training activities. The event is organized as ‘’in presence’’ activity. Participants will work on their laptops that should have basic drawing software installed.

Join us! 15 positions are available!

More information will soon be available on the Summer School official website here.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of an inspiring journey of learning, empowerment, and change in the beautiful city of Turin!
